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Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

Um mergulho profundo nos veículos de contratos governamentais da NetDocuments


Você reuniu requisitos, avaliou tecnologias, conseguiu que todas as pessoas certas aprovassem a aquisição de novas tecnologias e agora vem a parte difícil — aquisição. IDIQs, BPAs, GWACs... o oficial de contratação está lançando um monte de termos complexos, opções e estimativas de quanto tempo levará para concluir as negociações. A NetDocuments acredita que nossos clientes do setor público devem ter opções de contratação muito parecidas com nossas soluções - fáceis de usar.

Thanks to our partnership with DLT Solutions, NetDocuments has access to a variety of essential federal, state, and local government, and higher education contracts. As the premier government solutions aggregator, DLT creates value for technology partners like NetDocuments by simplifying the procurement process for all levels of government and higher education institutions, enabling their public sector customers to make smarter technology choices.

Since becoming the first in the content/document management cloud space to achieve FedRAMP Authorization in 2021, NetDocuments is now part of seven enterprise-level government contracts covering both federal and state entities.

Vamos olhar mais de perto:

    Contratos Estaduais

  1. NASPO ValuePoint Cloud Multi-State Multi-Vendor IDIQ: As part of our commitment to make doing business easier for our public sector customers, NetDocuments is pleased to announce the NASPO ValuePoint Cloud Multi-State Multi-Vendor indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract as its latest contract addition. The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint covers a full range of cloud solutions, as defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), that help public entities quickly access the benefits of reliable and secure cloud services.
  2. The National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA): This leading national government purchasing cooperative works to reduce the cost of goods and services by leveraging the purchasing power of public agencies in all 50 states. There are over 90,000 agencies nationwide from both the public and nonprofit sectors that are eligible to utilize the NCPA program.
  3. OMNIA Partners, Public Sector: As the nation's largest and most experienced cooperative purchasing organization dedicated to public sector procurement, OMNIA Partners is proud to offer more value and resources to state and local government, higher education, K-12 education, and nonprofits.
  4. The Interlocal Purchasing System: Better known as the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative, this system provides a proven process to eliminate purchasing-related stress for government entities. The Lead Agency, Region 8 ESC, is one of 20 Regional Education Service Centers within Texas assisting school districts in improving student performance and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of school operations.
  5. Contratos Federais

  6. Chief Information Officers – Commodities and Solutions (CIO-CS): This Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) supports a full range of IT needs across the federal government, as well as efforts around health and biomedical-related IT. This contract provides simplified procurement for a wide variety of cloud-based and on-premises solutions spanning managed services, mobility, cybersecurity, big data, and virtualization.
  7. Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP Federal): The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement is a Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle that offers a vast selection and wide range of advanced technologies, including NetDocuments. SEWP was DLT's top contract in 2020 and is utilized by all federal agencies as well as system integrators.
  8. Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – Software 2 (ITES-SW2 Federal): Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions (CHESS) is the US Army’s designated source for commercial IT and provides a no-fee, flexible procurement strategy through which an Army user may procure commercial-off-the-shelf IT hardware, software, and services. Purchasing is achieved as part of an Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – Software 2 (ITES-SW2) total solution contract. The benefit of ITES is the ease of the modification process related to adding/removing stock keeping units (SKUs).

A NetDocuments continua comprometida em adicionar mais veículos de contrato para que os clientes atuais e futuros possam fazer transações conosco com mais facilidade e começar a aproveitar nossa plataforma de colaboração segura autorizada pelo FedRAMP para atender às suas necessidades de missão crítica.

Want to learn more? View all our government purchasing contracts at a glance and check out our DLT profile page.

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"O NetDocuments incentiva um bom equilíbrio trabalho / família."
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"Tenho uma direção clara em minhas tarefas e prioridades de trabalho. Também me sinto encorajado a colocar minha família em primeiro lugar e manter um equilíbrio saudável entre vida profissional e pessoal."
"Eu trabalho com indivíduos altamente motivados que são inteligentes e me permitem aprender com eles!"
"A NetDocuments está comprometida em superar as expectativas dos clientes, construindo produtos líderes hospedados em ambientes sólidos."
"Tenho autonomia para experimentar coisas novas e pensar em processos e campanhas estrategicamente. Posso contar com o apoio de meu chefe, mas não sou microgerenciado, o que é apreciado."
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