Análise do Portal do Cliente NetDocuments

Salt Lake City, ut
A ndMAX apresenta soluções baseadas em IA que abordam uma variedade de fluxos de trabalho jurídicos
com segurança dentro do NetDocuments, ajudando os profissionais jurídicos a adotarem de forma responsável a tecnologia de IA generativa.
O PatternBuilder MAX, o primeiro produto do pacote ndMAX AI, está em plena produção com clientes selecionados e estará amplamente disponível no terceiro trimestre 2023.

O NetDocuments foi recentemente analisado no boletim informativo t3 que trata de tecnologia para profissionais de serviços financeiros. Foi escrito por David Drucker que, junto com Joel Bruckenstein, administra a conferência e o boletim informativo t3. Junto com o t3, David Drucker também é jornalista, palestrante, consultor financeiro, salvador de pit bulls, motociclista, fanático por carros clássicos, geek de gadgets e bluesman.

In his recent article titled, "A Sampling of Client Portals," Drucker reviewed four different products that provide client portal functionality for financial advisors. The four products reviewed were Advisorsites, Family Office Network, NetDocuments and Make It A Good Day.

O termo "Portal do cliente" é difícil de definir, pois eles podem variar de muitas maneiras, mas Drucker o define comparando-o a um cofre virtual com algumas diferenças. Drucker afirma: "Um portal do cliente vai além do conceito de um cofre do cliente, pois um cofre contém documentos, ou matéria-prima, e um portal inclui ferramentas para trabalhar com esses documentos."

In the NetDocuments portion of the review, Drucker asked Leonard Johnson a few questions.

A client portal goes beyond the concept of a client vault in that a vault contains documents, or raw material, and a portal includes tools for working with those documents. A client portal goes beyond the concept of a client vault in that a vault contains documents, or raw material, and a portal includes tools for working with those documents. In his review of NetDocuments, What are the various ways advisors using NetDocuments can interact with clients, I asked Johnson? "RIAs are telling us they use NetDocuments as a digital portfolio binder, organized by tabs, from which email notifications are sent if new docs are posted or changes are made." How does notification work? "If an advisor wants to notify a client of a new document that's been uploaded, he right clicks on the document and says notify client. If he's using Outlook, Outlook will open and embed a link to the folder or documents uploaded, then send the client an email the normal way. If he doesn't have Outlook, then a NetDocuments email dialogue box opens for him to use. It doesn't have an inbox; just the ability to email out."

Us at NetDocuments appreciate t3 for including us in their client portal reviews and found the review done by Drucker to be accurate and fair. To see the entire review, click here.

A conferência t3, da qual o NetDocuments estará participando, acontecerá de 17/2 - 20, 2010 em San Diego, Califórnia.

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