Josh Baxter no palco do Inspire 2021
Learn Why Organizations are Switching to NetDocuments.

Principais 10 coisas que aprendemos durante a Inspire


It’s not enough to hold an annual conference. At NetDocuments, our Inspire event is where news breaks, innovations are revealed, and laughs are shared. Although we couldn’t be in person this year, we wanted to make sure Inspire 2021 was the place to be 2/11-4. Here’s a quick list of the top 10 things we learned throughout the event. (Editor’s note: In no particular order – they’re all pretty cool.)

  1. Attendees heard it first! NetDocuments has acquired Afterpattern.
    As we continue our journey to help legal professionals do their best work, we are always looking for new technology that will accelerate this path forward. Integrating Afterpattern, a no-code automation toolkit, into the NetDocuments platform will empower users to automate documents, at scale, more efficiently than ever before. Learn more in our press release.
  2. Gartner recognizes NetDocuments’ dependable innovation.
    In Gartner’s 2021 Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms, market analysts prioritize, score, and rank a set of 10 critical capabilities and how well these capabilities support various use cases. NetDocuments leapt forward both in completeness of our vision and especially our ability to execute. This is what dependable innovation looks like – we’re committed to solving the problems you have and delivering the platform you need to be successful.
  3. ChatLink is your Teams secure collaboration tool.
    During our check-in with Alan Gibson, Director of Legal & Compliance Innovation at Microsoft, he noted nearly 50% of law firms in the U.S. transitioned to remote work in less than a day. Say what?! With the shift, Microsoft saw an astronomical surge in the use of Teams for collaboration. Feedback from organizations has been that security is their top concern. Integrating with NetDocuments, Teams becomes another system of record, and everything stays secure under NetDocuments’ umbrella of industry-leading protection.
  4. With so much recent momentum, we expanded our Customer and Partner Awards.
    Each of this year’s winners have done tremendous work with NetDocuments! Our Customer Zero award went to Husch Blackwell, and four other customers were recognized for outstanding security (Sullivan and Cromwell), adoption (Kean Miller), integrations (DuPont), and business expansion (Corteva).

    Partners have a tremendous impact on how we can serve customers and what we are able to accomplish each and every day. This year’s eight winners had record-breaking results and have gone above and beyond to grow the NetDocuments ecosystem.

    Read more about Celebrating Those Who Inspire.
  5. 99.89% of the time, tasks done in NetDocuments take under 320 milliseconds.
    No big deal. It’s kind of fast. We constantly monitor the platform’s daily average of 1.31 billion transactions and proactively make improvements to ensure our performance standards scale as more organizations join NetDocuments. We’re also experiencing the best service uptime in our history at 99.992%.
  6. There are three types of iguanas in the Galapagos.
    Alvin Tedjamulia — co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, and avid storyteller –– shared lots of fun facts about the Galapagos and gorgeous photos from around the islands. Tying the habitat of the Galapagos to the habitat of legal, Alvin described how a technology’s survival is based on being adopted by law firms, legal departments, and government. Natural selection forces are at play, including:
        - Cloud multitenancy and platformization
        - Security
        - Predictability and uptime
        - Native solutions and ease of use
        - Continuous investments and growth

    Only the strongest will survive.

    (Oh, and those iguanas are pretty cool. One sneezes salt, one lives in the Wolf Volcano, and the other patiently waits a week for fruit to drop off prickly pear cactuses.)

  7. When you give hackers time and broad parameters, they truly deliver.
    Many hackathon events span two to three days where a problem is presented and teams create solutions within that short time frame. In our inaugural Hackathon, we took a different approach.

    Combining the power of NetDocuments and Microsoft Power Automate, teams had six weeks to determine a problem they wanted to solve and submit a viable solution. Twenty-three teams from four countries (82 total customers and partners) put their hats in the ring to innovate! Team Affinity Consulting was our winner with a solution to create flexible retention policies using Power Automate and saved searches within NetDocuments. Read more about the Hackathon.
  8. A continuous customer engagement model leads to attorney-inspired innovation.
    Since we launched our Attorney-Inspired Innovation (or AI2) program, we’ve had discussions with nearly 300 end users, administrators, and implementation partners to better understand what you believe will add meaningful value to your day. Early outcomes include new advanced search, an enhanced document upload experience, and new profile editing capability.
  9. We’re expanding with Microsoft and building the future of legal together.
    Leveraging Microsoft Azure, NetDocuments has delivered the first FedRAMP Authorized legal document management system in the cloud. That means government trusts our security just as much as law firms and legal teams. We’re integrating Microsoft information protection with our data loss prevention (DLP) to enforce sensitivity labels and DLP policies — whether your documents are inside NetDocuments, opened in Microsoft 365, or locally on your devices. We also worked with Microsoft to implement a connector for Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (formerly Microsoft Cloud Application Security Broker or CASB) to help you build end-to-end security environments. The future is bright with NetDocuments and Microsoft!
  10. You don’t want to miss Inspire 2022!
    Even though this year’s conference was virtual, we saw record-setting registration. We anticipate our Inspire 2022 event to be back in person, and bigger and better than ever. Make sure you’re there to participate in bringing innovation and imagination to life.

As datas serão anunciadas em breve.

"Ótima empresa, ótimos produtos, ótima liderança, ótimas pessoas, ótima cultura!"
"Eu amo minha equipe e colegas. Somos uma família e nos respeitamos."
"O NetDocuments incentiva um bom equilíbrio trabalho / família."
"Sinto-me respeitado e valorizado pela liderança e pela minha equipa."
"Trabalhamos juntos e apoiamos / encorajamos uns aos outros a fazer o nosso melhor trabalho todos os dias."
"Do início ao fim, meus líderes estão dispostos a me guiar e me deixar tentar coisas novas. Isso mantém o trabalho novo, empolgante e divertido para que eu não fique exausto ou entediado."
"Tenho uma direção clara em minhas tarefas e prioridades de trabalho. Também me sinto encorajado a colocar minha família em primeiro lugar e manter um equilíbrio saudável entre vida profissional e pessoal."
"Eu trabalho com indivíduos altamente motivados que são inteligentes e me permitem aprender com eles!"
"A NetDocuments está comprometida em superar as expectativas dos clientes, construindo produtos líderes hospedados em ambientes sólidos."
"Tenho autonomia para experimentar coisas novas e pensar em processos e campanhas estrategicamente. Posso contar com o apoio de meu chefe, mas não sou microgerenciado, o que é apreciado."
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Um ícone de seta branca para a direita.